Our story

Active since 1969 in the industrial plant sector, Tecnical Impianti has developed a wide expertise in the field of process automation, operating as a support of numerous production companies in Lombardy and other regions.
From the early years the core business of the company is represented the production of oil and gas plants and the distribution of components and systems of Robert Bosch, until 2000, and Bosch Rexroth in recent years. This activity allows the company to make contact with a rapidly changing production company, looking for qualified advice for updating production systems thanks to new technologies.
With the creation of a staff of technicians and specialists, Tecnical Plants aims to respond to the most diverse requests related to the design and construction of plants intended for the regulation and automation of processes Productive.
The company’s “formula” is based on two synergistic elements that allow to successfully address the problems posed by the rapid technical-application evolution: on the one hand, technological innovation and the quality of Bosch Rexroth’s products and, on the other, multiple internal possibilities for building and testing the plants.
The internal technical department is able to cooperate with the customer in the search for solutions tailored to each application in different sectors. In the area covered by 1400 square meters, components of large machinery are designed and built and automation systems are tested.
An efficient commercial and service network allows Tecnical Plants to maintain a trust relationship with its customers, rewarding a product policy constantly oriented to the satisfaction of the customer’s needs.
Technological update and service flexibility are the hallpoints of a company policy that has always prioritised its competitiveness as a supplier and the technological competitiveness of its business partners.